Well here we are.

It’s amazing isn’t it…

Everyone has a story…

…and what an age we live in to share them!

But… adding value in such a noisy world can be tricky.

Our screen time attention spans are low but we’ll stick around if it’s the good stuff…

There’s A LOT of content out there these days…

…which is why, authenticity beats the competition. EVERY. Time.

You may be looking at building your business, starting a new brand asking yourself…

How can we add to the conversation?

How do we stand out?

What should we make?

How should we speak to the vastness of the interwebs?

Is this too much?

That too serious?

Not serious enough?

Are memes OK?

Who even is my audience?!

These questions are HUGE and challenging…

And that’s where us media, marketing folk come in with quirky spectacles, unique hair and, errr hopefully, lots of ideas to slice through the waffle.

For the past decade Felix has been helping brands tall and small stand out from the crowd, building loyal communities with authentic content.

From designing, filming, planning, collaborating, implementing across an array of formats, platforms and digital spaces, Web 1, 2 and 3, we’re here for it.

Supposedly nothing lasts forever, but on the Interwebs, it kind of does…

So let’s talk and make some lasting memories.